Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Two tears are falling apart, and lost as the water
they don’t know where to go…
Like my heart that wants to help those tears to cry,
but in need;
it also doesn’t know how or where to start…

This is a pain that I’m not capable of fighting on my own,
and our conversations of a possible future,
are not helping me at all.

I thought that once you find true love,
even if time and sharing moments were not facts,
they would stay together forever…

Today I just feel used.
By dreams,
by hope;
by a faith that just bought me gum…
The type of gum that you cannot swallow;
because it’s stucked in your throat like the love you will never ever forget…
(because it was "definetely" not supposed to happen)


I do miss you, aside from you probably not wanting me to…


listening to: myself.

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